Monday, February 1, 2010


Okay, So Thursday at school Homecoming candidates were nominated. And, once again, I was a nominee, I accepted, of course. My only problem with running again is the anxiety, and the possible embarrassment of being on the court in front of tons of people. Last year I got first runner up, this year I'm not real sure If I'll receive any place, which for me is just fine. I get to dress up, so that's okay.
So, next weekend I'm going with Laura and Savannah to shop for dresses. The original plan was to look for prom dresses, but I think it's pretty obvious about what I'll be looking for. I'm so nervous about homecoming, like the night of. I'm nervous about going to shopping with his mom and sister. I'm still really nervous around them, and afraid to be myself. Especially around his dad, I joke around with him a lot to hide that I'm really nervous. I've never had anything like them, and it's a good thing... But enough about that.
I want a flowy dress, something light blue, or green. Maybe a bubble dress because they're cute. IDK how to do my hair because it's pretty short, any ideas?


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