Friday, January 21, 2011

Fantabulous Friday.

Today has not been an eventful day. I woke up at 1:30(which was way to early) laughing at myself because of what happened last night. I spent the night with my boy friend and I woke up at 5 in the morning cursing at him because he had my phone and I got up because I could have sworn that my ipod was at the foot of the bed. When I grabbed whatever it was, it fell behind the bed. I kept asking him to give me my phone and he had no clue what I was talking about because we were both half asleep. Eventually he told me that we would look for it in the morning. When I woke up this morning, I was thinking about it and I remembered that I left my ipod at home because I brought my laptop instead. That's great, we argued when we were half asleep for no reason at all. About the most exciting thing today that happened was Thomas having his 5 minute long fart that sounded hilarious. But on the other hand, it's completely gross in every way.

As for now, I'm in a room with Thomas and Matthew(his little brother) and all they are talking about it the new lava lamp that their dad, Tom, bought for their new room. That's exciting..Any who, here's a list of things that I like today.

Brandon Boyd. I love everything about him. His music, and his art. I love Incubus, but I love Boyd's solo work better.

This badass tattoo, that I hope to get something similar to.

I love horizontal lip piercings, I know that I could never get them unless I get a new job or take out my current piercings.

These plugs<3


For now, I'm going to play an intriguing game of Black Ops with Thomas<3

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Terrible Thursday.

This will be a list of things that I absolutely hate.

Ke$ha is probably the worse thing that ever happened to music. I hate her music with a passion.

Anything that's over dramatic. I'm seriously tired of people at school thinking that it's alright to talk about me behind my back just because they're jealous of what I have. I'm sorry, I'm not a whore and I won't be.

Old school, I love. But what they have on now is terrible. I love the fact that Rug rats comes on every morning at 7:30. But I hate that I leave for school every morning before it comes on. The only reason that my tv stays on nick is because of SpongeBob, and Nick at Nite.

That was todays list of things I hate.

Tonight I'm at my boy friends house. I'm most defiantly happy to say that, and I wouldn't want to say that I was anywhere else. I hate that I have "friends" that want to say that I spend to much time with him and not enough with my friends. Yes, I do spend a lot of time with my boy friend, but I've been with him for almost two years. And I'm sorry, I'm not going to put a whore before him. And I also love how they obviously talk about me on facebook, but they act fine at school. I'm honestly tired of it. That was more things I hate, today.

To make todays blog better, we got out of school early today because of the snow. However I'm a young driver, and it was a little difficult driving through the snow but I made it. And I'm having a wonderful night. Not only do I feel better by getting a lot of things off my chest, but I'm spending the night with the greatest people around here. Thomas, Savannah, Laura, Kelsey, Matthew, and Kaylee. That concludes my blog for today.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

It's been forever.

Nothing in my life is new.
I have failed to get on daily and blog like I probably should. My leg is finally getting better, and the marching band show this year is really neat.
We are marching:
vee et Pictures, Images and Photos
Jurassic Park
The Jurassic Park Pictures, Images and Photos
jaws Pictures, Images and Photos
Superman Pictures, Images and Photos

That's probably about it for now. Tomorrow is exciting for Thomas and I. Tomorrow will be our Year and a half anniversary. I'm pretty excited, and I'm going to see him on Thursday.[:
Love Pictures, Images and Photos

Tomorrow before I go back home, Shea and I are going to take senior pictures. I'm not real sure where all we're going to go, but I'm pretty excited and I want something different.
That pretty much concludes my blog.


Thursday, February 25, 2010

rude, rude, rude, rude, rude DRAMA.

Okay, so I'm so tired of people thinking that they can say and do whatever they want to do. People that act like little three year olds and get away with it, well I'm not going to be a push over for anyone anymore, because I'm better than that. And I'm not going to put up with stupid people that think that they can do whatever they want. Just to let ya' know, I don't care what ya' say(:

On to my next subject. I don't really have a lot of room to talk about anyone looking fat, but it's pretty ridiculous when someone wears clothes that makes them look bigger than they actually are. I try my hardest to stay away from that, but I mean it's ridiculous, if you feel uncomfortable, then people will think and say stuff about you.

I'm going spring shopping pretty soon, I think that I'm just going to BG with Natalie, I'm not sure but I'm mainly going to buy from forever 21, pacsun, hottopic, american eagle, and hollister.
Wellp, that's it for now.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Today was all that bad, although I was tired like all day.
Yesterday was Thomas' birthday, and I went to his house and spent the day, that's
why I didn't blog about it.
I looked at old pictures of him as a baby(: and Saturday at his party, I have a
surprise that I'm working really hard on, but I'm not going to reveal because knowing
him, he'll read my blog for once. Ha, and it'd be the first time.
So, my goal for the month is to lose 5-10 pounds, I feel uncomfortable in my own skin, and I absolutely hate it. I feel to big for all of my friends, and I can't hardly stand it anymore, but I don't think I'm ginormous, I'm just not as small as I'd like to be.

1.)I have to study for a chemistry quiz
3.)clean my room
4.)make a list of stuff for thomas' ________ ____(:
Kay, so other than all of that fun stuff, my phone is the biggest piece of crap EVER. It started out when I made a call you couldn't hear the other person talking but if you put it on speaker, then called them back it would work normally. Now, it has to be on speaker every time, which makes it difficult to talk in front of other people.
So, I think that I'm getting a new phone soon(:
That's all for now, although you should try to recruit people to follow me(:

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Listen to jesscafaydani.s Playlist

Get a playlist! Standalone player Get Ringtones

Monday, February 1, 2010



Yeah, it probably is corny, or gay...But I love Thomas, with all of my heart. I always thought that I was in love before, but I've never felt anything like this before...ever. And it is pretty weird. I can't even stand the thought of being without him, it just doesn't seem right. It's hard for me to stop staring at him, because he's absolutely amazing, and he's so gorgeous.
When we're at school he's quiet, and awkward around everybody. But when we're outside of school like at home, or in public when it's just us, he talks so much about everything. Things that doesn't even seem like him. I love him, with all of my heart.

and you'll always
to love you forever

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